Dueling is legal but only with flintlock pistols. The two members of the duel will take 20 steps in opposite directions, turn, and fire. When someone challenges you to a duel, you must accept or you will be sent to jail. You can only duel 3 times a month, and only once every 5 months with the same person. (Government officials can decline a duel.).
Making loopholes will result in a court sentencing.
Each province must make a yearly sacrifice to Munchy on Ruhm von Munchy. It doesn’t have to be people, you could throw a shoe on the street and call it a sacrifice. This is the wish of the Commander of Religion and Sciences Montana.
Always salute a 3rd or up with salute 1 when they walk into a room, if they salute you, or if you just see them in person. You may be told you are exempt from doing this. If so, make sure to have a way to prove this.
Public dabbing is illegal.
Unironically public Fortnite dancing is illegal. You can dab and Fortnite dance inside your own house though.
You must speak one of the approved languages (English or Japanese) to be in the government.
Dubbed anime is banned unless government approved. Government officials are immune to this law.
You do not have the freedom of speech or assembly. However, we will not enforce this law very harshly. You still may speak when you want, but be careful when and what you say.
Diplomats from foreign nations do not have immunity to things they do. If their country does something to negatively harm our nation, then the diplomats will be sent back home.
In order to manufacture and sell your own products, you must submit it to the Head of Economy, who will approve or reject it and give it its set price.
Always use salute #2 when the national anthem is playing.
Flags must be flown from highest to lowest in this order: Country, Military, Province, Other.
Sexual crimes, burglary, B&E’s, assault, murder, and tax evasion will result in a court sentencing.
Treason and espionage is punishable by death.
Any altering without permission or disregard for government documents is treason.
Lying to government officials is illegal and traitorous.
Senate Members must read “The List”.
Higher ranks cannot use there rank as an excuse to make lower levels than them do things against their will unless the lower level has committed a crime.
Wang vs. State: A former citizen may return from exile if the proper apology and compensation is given to the state.
Jacob vs. State: To remove an individual from the country, The Cabinet will vote, and a court case will proceed.
Be accepting of all beliefs, religions, ideologies, ideas, races, sexualities, etc. This does not mean that you can use them as an excuse to justify breaking laws.
When a document is being signed outside Moontonian territory, 10 square feet around the signer and government official becomes temporary Moontonian territory until the signing is complete.
All drugs are legal for recreational use. However, they will be heavily regulated and monitored by the government.
All citizens of Moontonia must own at least one rock.
Bedtimes and curfews are illegal.
When a citizen feels they have been wronged by another citizen, they can take said citizen to court, and the court will decide how to proceed with punishment. Any prosecution that is deemed too minor or irrelevant is discharged.
Owning, reading, or talking about the U.M.S.M. manifesto is illegal.
We are allowed to claim our spot on the moon because the Supreme Leader said so.
It is your social responsibility to exclaim "Nice" whenever someone burps.
Moontonian litterers on Moontonian soil will be court sentenced.
Moontonian litterers on foreign soil will be publicly awarded.